How to Choose the Best Solar Street Light

Jul 16,2018

In this blog we will try to help you understand how to design cost effective Solar PV System for Street Light.

What is solar PV system?
Solar PV system is one of renewable energy sources which uses solar PV modules to convert sunlight into electricity. The energy generated can be either stored or used directly, fed back into grid line or mixed with one or more other electricity or different renewable energy source. Solar system is the most reliable and clean source of electricity that can suit a wide range of applications such as residence, industry, agriculture, livestock, etc. Of course, if the first condition is achieved: Enough SUN hours.

What is Solar Street Light?

Solar street light includes different components that should be selected according to your system type, site location and applications. The main parts for solar street light system are solar panel, solar charge controller, battery, inverter,  pole, LED Light.

Below we will briefly mention basic features of each part:

  •   PV module – converts sunlight into DC electricity.
  •   Solar charge controller – regulates the voltage and current coming from the PV panels going to battery and prevents battery overcharging and prolongs the battery life.
  •   Battery – stores energy for supplying to electrical appliances when there is a demand.
  •   Load – is electrical appliances that connected to solar PV system such as lights, wifi, camera, etc,

What is the advantage of solar street lights?

No line loss, trenchingor metering

·Immune to power outages
·Battery backup for cloudy days
·Distributed light and power - no single point of failure for enhanced security
·Easy to install with quick connect plugs - less than 1 hour
·No scheduled maintenance for up to five years
·No cost of replacing concrete, asphalt
·No cost of transformers and meters to be added for electric service
·No monthly electric bills
·LED light life span up to 10 years
·Controlled charging to prolong battery service life
·long life PV modules with far more than 25 years power generation capacity
·Environmentally friendly: 100% powered by the sun,solar panels reduce fossil fuel
consumption, eliminating pollution
·Self-contained solution·light on/off controlled by automatic daylight sensing or hour
preset, no running and maintenance cost
·Better light source-LED lights feature cool white light without flickering and higher
br ightness than sodium lights
·Safe 12 volt/24 volt circuit, no risk of electric shock

What's the Working Principle of Solar street light?

The solar panel generates current when sunlight hit the cells which are welded in different series and parallel according to 12V or 24V system requirement .Current will charge battery through solar controller which preset with protection function of over charge and over discharge, working duration time for LED lamp.When darkness comes, voltage of solar panel will drop down which triggers the solar controller open circuit to discharge,and that makes LED lamp turn on.

How to configur e a suitable solar street lights?

As solar radiation and rainy season varies largely around the world. There are factors determine system configuration:
•Installation country or city, for example, Dubai, solar panel will becalculated based on solarradia t ion i n t his city from data of NASA.
•Average consecutive rainy days, for example, most common rainy days consecutively is 3 days, which means rainy or cloudy for three days in a row. It determines battery capacity
for backup during the low efficient charging days.
•Road width and distance or area that will install lights.For example ,a 6 meter width road with 5km length.
•llluminance requirement, for example,20 lux on ground center.

Typical LED watt with pole height

Pole Height
LED Watt
Illumination Ground
Spacing Distance
Suit for Road

Typical Installation Arrangement

The solar street lights have several installation type as following,steel pole height would be subject to the type of arrangement, proportion as listed,for example,a 12m road width choose type(b), pole height will be 8.5m, if type(c), pole height will be 6m.

Pole height Road width

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1

    in order to provide the best solution of solar lighting system for you,what information are you required to provide?
    1) Deta i led insta lla tion l oca ti on s, we Viii ca l culate the configura tion based on your loca l sunshine peak time.
    2) Exact workin g hours of li ghts every day (such as 5 or 10 hours every d ay).
    3) Rough consecutive ra iny days {su ch as 3 to 4 d ays) are requi red to be guaranteed to keep the l ights working normally.
    4) Height of light poles or wid th ofroads.
    5) Brigh tness of street lights req ui red (such as 30 watt led la mp).

  • 2

    in order to provide the best solution of solar lighting system for you,what information are you required to provide?
    1) Deta i led insta lla tion l oca ti on s, we Viii ca l culate the configura tion based on your loca l sunshine peak time.
    2) Exact workin g hours of li ghts every day (such as 5 or 10 hours every d ay).
    3) Rough consecutive ra iny days {su ch as 3 to 4 d ays) are requi red to be guaranteed to keep the l ights working normally.
    4) Height of light poles or wid th ofroads.
    5) Brigh tness of street lights req ui red (such as 30 watt led la mp).

  • 3

    in order to provide the best solution of solar lighting system for you,what information are you required to provide?
    1) Deta i led insta lla tion l oca ti on s, we Viii ca l culate the configura tion based on your loca l sunshine peak time.
    2) Exact workin g hours of li ghts every day (such as 5 or 10 hours every d ay).
    3) Rough consecutive ra iny days {su ch as 3 to 4 d ays) are requi red to be guaranteed to keep the l ights working normally.
    4) Height of light poles or wid th ofroads.
    5) Brigh tness of street lights req ui red (such as 30 watt led la mp).

  • 4

    in order to provide the best solution of solar lighting system for you,what information are you required to provide?
    1) Deta i led insta lla tion l oca ti on s, we Viii ca l culate the configura tion based on your loca l sunshine peak time.
    2) Exact workin g hours of li ghts every day (such as 5 or 10 hours every d ay).
    3) Rough consecutive ra iny days {su ch as 3 to 4 d ays) are requi red to be guaranteed to keep the l ights working normally.
    4) Height of light poles or wid th ofroads.
    5) Brigh tness of street lights req ui red (such as 30 watt led la mp).

  • 5

    in order to provide the best solution of solar lighting system for you,what information are you required to provide?
    1) Deta i led insta lla tion l oca ti on s, we Viii ca l culate the configura tion based on your loca l sunshine peak time.
    2) Exact workin g hours of li ghts every day (such as 5 or 10 hours every d ay).
    3) Rough consecutive ra iny days {su ch as 3 to 4 d ays) are requi red to be guaranteed to keep the l ights working normally.
    4) Height of light poles or wid th ofroads.
    5) Brigh tness of street lights req ui red (such as 30 watt led la mp).

  • 6

    in order to provide the best solution of solar lighting system for you,what information are you required to provide?
    1) Deta i led insta lla tion l oca ti on s, we Viii ca l culate the configura tion based on your loca l sunshine peak time.
    2) Exact workin g hours of li ghts every day (such as 5 or 10 hours every d ay).
    3) Rough consecutive ra iny days {su ch as 3 to 4 d ays) are requi red to be guaranteed to keep the l ights working normally.
    4) Height of light poles or wid th ofroads.
    5) Brigh tness of street lights req ui red (such as 30 watt led la mp).

  • 7

    in order to provide the best solution of solar lighting system for you,what information are you required to provide?
    1) Deta i led insta lla tion l oca ti on s, we Viii ca l culate the configura tion based on your loca l sunshine peak time.
    2) Exact workin g hours of li ghts every day (such as 5 or 10 hours every d ay).
    3) Rough consecutive ra iny days {su ch as 3 to 4 d ays) are requi red to be guaranteed to keep the l ights working normally.
    4) Height of light poles or wid th ofroads.
    5) Brigh tness of street lights req ui red (such as 30 watt led la mp).

  • 8

    in order to provide the best solution of solar lighting system for you,what information are you required to provide?
    1) Deta i led insta lla tion l oca ti on s, we Viii ca l culate the configura tion based on your loca l sunshine peak time.
    2) Exact workin g hours of li ghts every day (such as 5 or 10 hours every d ay).
    3) Rough consecutive ra iny days {su ch as 3 to 4 d ays) are requi red to be guaranteed to keep the l ights working normally.
    4) Height of light poles or wid th ofroads.
    5) Brigh tness of street lights req ui red (such as 30 watt led la mp).

Solar Panel


Led Lamp

Rating Power: 30w-300w
Silicon Type: 56mm*156mm poly crystalline
/monocrystalline silicon cell
Conversion Efficiency: 17.5% ~ 18.5%
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w


Rating Power: 30w-300w
Silicon Type: 56mm*156mm poly crystalline
/monocrystalline silicon cell
Conversion Efficiency: 17.5% ~ 18.5%
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w

Working Mode

Common Working Mode: The working time can be divided into three periods. Every period of working time can be adjusted from 0-lShours,and working power can be adjustedfrom 0%-100%
Morning lighting Mode: Controller can calculate the time of sunrise automatically, so the LED light can be set to light up at certain time before sunrise.
Intelligent Working Mode: The loading power of LED will ad丿ust automatically according to the capacity of battery The system will choose the smaller one between the automaticallysetting power and users setting power as the loading output power
For example: When the capacity of battery is 50%, the loading power that calculated by intelligent power is 60%. If users set the loading power as 60%, the final loading power is 60%. If users set the loading power as 20%, the final loading power is 20%



Remote Switch Solar Light which is able to be turned ON/OFF in remote distance of 10-300 meters


Working Mode

Common Working Mode: The working time can be divided into three periods. Every period of working time can be adjusted from 0-lShours,and working power can be adjustedfrom 0%-100%
Morning lighting Mode: Controller can calculate the time of sunrise automatically, so the LED light can be set to light up at certain time before sunrise.
Intelligent Working Mode: The loading power of LED will ad丿ust automatically according to the capacity of battery The system will choose the smaller one between the automaticallysetting power and users setting power as the loading output power
For example: When the capacity of battery is 50%, the loading power that calculated by intelligent power is 60%. If users set the loading power as 60%, the final loading power is 60%. If users set the loading power as 20%, the final loading power is 20%


Rating Power: 30w-300w
Silicon Type: 56mm*156mm poly crystalline
/monocrystalline silicon cell
Conversion Efficiency: 17.5% ~ 18.5%
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w

Working Mode

Common Working Mode: The working time can be divided into three periods. Every period of working time can be adjusted from 0-lShours,and working power can be adjustedfrom 0%-100%
Morning lighting Mode: Controller can calculate the time of sunrise automatically, so the LED light can be set to light up at certain time before sunrise.
Intelligent Working Mode: The loading power of LED will ad丿ust automatically according to the capacity of battery The system will choose the smaller one between the automaticallysetting power and users setting power as the loading output power
For example: When the capacity of battery is 50%, the loading power that calculated by intelligent power is 60%. If users set the loading power as 60%, the final loading power is 60%. If users set the loading power as 20%, the final loading power is 20%


Rating Power: 30w-300w
Silicon Type: 56mm*156mm poly crystalline
/monocrystalline silicon cell
Conversion Efficiency: 17.5% ~ 18.5%
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w

Working Mode

Common Working Mode: The working time can be divided into three periods. Every period of working time can be adjusted from 0-lShours,and working power can be adjustedfrom 0%-100%
Morning lighting Mode: Controller can calculate the time of sunrise automatically, so the LED light can be set to light up at certain time before sunrise.
Intelligent Working Mode: The loading power of LED will ad丿ust automatically according to the capacity of battery The system will choose the smaller one between the automaticallysetting power and users setting power as the loading output power
For example: When the capacity of battery is 50%, the loading power that calculated by intelligent power is 60%. If users set the loading power as 60%, the final loading power is 60%. If users set the loading power as 20%, the final loading power is 20%

Battery Box

Rating Power: 30w-300w
Silicon Type: 56mm*156mm poly crystalline
/monocrystalline silicon cell
Conversion Efficiency: 17.5% ~ 18.5%
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w

Rating Power: 30w-300w
Silicon Type: 56mm*156mm poly crystalline
/monocrystalline silicon cell
Conversion Efficiency: 17.5% ~ 18.5%
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w

Rating Power: 30w-300w
Silicon Type: 56mm*156mm poly crystalline
/monocrystalline silicon cell
Conversion Efficiency: 17.5% ~ 18.5%
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w

Lighting Pole

Rating Power: 30w-300w
Silicon Type: 56mm*156mm poly crystalline
/monocrystalline silicon cell
Conversion Efficiency: 17.5% ~ 18.5%
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w

Solar Panel Brackets

Rating Power: 30w-300w
Silicon Type: 56mm*156mm poly crystalline
/monocrystalline silicon cell
Conversion Efficiency: 17.5% ~ 18.5%
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w

Foundation Kit

Rating Power: 30w-300w
Silicon Type: 56mm*156mm poly crystalline
/monocrystalline silicon cell
Conversion Efficiency: 17.5% ~ 18.5%
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w
Rating Power: 30w-300w
